This month marks our mid-way point through the year. With six months of 2015 behind us now is the perfect time to check in with that New Year’s resolution you made when the clock struck midnight 180 days ago.
New Years Resolution Facts:
45% of the U.S. population creates New Year’s resolutions
25% of people forget them within 7 days.
Less than 8% of people achieve their resolutions.
Before you give up on your 2015 goals ask yourself this question:
Q. What does the 8% of the population that achieves their goals do differently then the rest?
A. They plan effectively.
Before you table any goal of yours until next year review our favorite goal planning tips below!
Three New Years Resolution Planning Tips of Successful People:
Successful People Set Specific Goals
As you look at the most popular goals of 2015 shown above you’ll notice all the goals are vague. Vague goals are proven less likely to be accomplished. Successful people set specific goals. For example, successful people set the goal to lose 7 lbs, not just to “lose weight” like the most popular New Years Resolution above.
TIP - Get specific on exactly what your goal is because “vague goals beget vague results.”
Successful People Know WHY their Goal Matters.
Knowing why the goal matters to you is just as important and knowing what your goal is. Successful people know exactly how accomplishing a goal will change their life. This is what keeps them on track accomplish their goals when 92% of population gives up.
TIP - Write your goal down in your planner and include details on why you want to accomplish your goal. Reflect back on this page weekly and monthly to remind yourself of how accomplishing this goal will change your future.
Successful People Schedule Time To Work on Their Goals
How many times have you heard someone say, “I tried, but I just don’t have time?”. Successful people don’t use lack of time as an excuse of why they couldn’t achieve their goals. They know if they want to achieve a goal they have to find the time in their schedule to work on it.
TIP - It’s easy for our days to get away from us. Before you head into any week schedule time in your weekly planner to work on your goal. Not scheduling time to work on goals is an easy way to assure they will never be accomplished.
BONUS - It takes 66 days to form a new habit. If you are part of the 92% that typically does not achieve their goals exercise these two habits daily:
1 - PLAN for success
2 - Be PATIENT for results
Let’s finish 2015 strong!
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Rebecca Rescate