Simplify Your Life With These 5 Apps

Since creating our Youtube channel a few weeks ago, we have truly had some wonderful feedback! One of our viewers this past week requested I share my top five favorite phone apps that make my life easier.

This is such a great question and felt this would be helpful for anyone wanting to make the most out of their day and increase their productivity.

5 Amazing Phone Apps that Make My Life Easier.

1. Google Calendar

I absolutely love Google Calendars. I put all my appointments and reoccurring events all on the calendar. The reminders are by far the best component of this app.

I rarely ever miss an appointment using this app. The reason is simply because hours before my appointment, I’ll receive an email and an alert on my phone reminding me of the event.

This simple app is not only super effective, it’s free to use and keeps you on track throughout the day. For the big goals in my life and events that are not reoccurring, I use the Top•Down Planner.

This simple to use planner keeps you focused on what you really want from your day and helps you structure how to accomplish your goals while the Google Calendar keeps you on track of when and where you need to be.

2. Google Drive

My second favorite app on my phone is the Google Drive. I use the Drive for all four of my businesses. I place all of our team’s documents; presentations and projects are all located here.

The beauty of the Google Drive is that it allows me to operate from anywhere in the world, as all the files are in the cloud. Having your files in the cloud allows you to be completely mobile and able to access your important documents anytime and anywhere. 

Like the Google Calendar, this app is free and simple to use. I strongly believe this app is a must for everyone.

3. Mint

Mint is an intuit app that allows you to place all your financial information on. What Mint does is once you set up an account, it brings all your financial info together, which gives you a quick snapshot of your finances. 

Most people have multiple bank accounts and Mint eliminates the task of having to login to multiple bank accounts just to figure out how much money you have. This clever app keeps track of your spending, your investments, net worth and much more.

This app (like the others) is free to use. This app is a great tool for keeping track of your budget and/or financial goals.

4. Last Pass

Unlike the apps above, Last Pass does cost money (around $12 - $20 a year depending on the package you purchase). If you’re someone who forgets, loses or is concerned about your online security, I would definitely recommend this app. 

Last Pass stores all your encrypted passwords and remembers your login information for you. You can set up Last Pass very easily on your phone and can access the app by using your fingerprint.

5. Amazon

Last, but not least, my fifth favorite app is the Amazon App. Before this app came around I was constantly forgetting items to buy for my companies. This app completely streamlines my life as I no longer have to write items down and wait to order it. With this app, I can now just place an order immediately and move on with my day.

Want to know 2 popular apps I don’t recommend? 

If so, head over to this video or watch our video above where I conclude with 2 very popular apps that are horrible for productivity!

Do you have a question you'd like answered by me, Rebecca Rescate?

If there's a question you'd like answered by me, please leave your let us know below in the comment section! Our only rule is that the question remains relevant to planning, time management, productivity and/or goal setting! Also, feel free to shoot us a message on Twitter or on our Facebook page!

Best Wishes,

Rebecca Rescate
Rebecca Rescate


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